Wednesday, December 28, 2005
the new one is with debbie bliss, how cool...
i also want to hear what everyone is knitting from the new knitty...!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Which flock do you follow?
this quiz was made by alanna
I love sheep... If you take the test comment on how you did.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Self Portrait Tuesday, So so busy
This week is a hard one for me, finals suck. I'm on page 9 of my 10 page paper. Plus i finished 2 prints for my photo final. This means little knitting on my half. Yet i have finished most of a small gift for my uncle. I will show it to all of you when it is finished. Unfortantly i have done neither working on the ribbing of the one button cardi, nor have i gotten drunk. But i think Sat i might since the work party for the yarn store is then. ok
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Self Portrait Thursday???
What should i do? Should i follow the directions...??
Get drunk-66.7%
Get crazy and skip ahead to the ribbing-33.3%
Follow the directions, wait for the yarn and knit the sleeves-0%
Wait, don't you have school work to do??-0%
total votes: 3
Sunday, November 27, 2005
one button cardi
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Self Portrait Tuesday
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Self Portrait Tuesday, *New Project*

If I were a hungry lime I would look like this...
I started a new project, the one button cardi from the second issue of knit.1. I'm not real big on these magazines but a woman i work with in the yarn store made this out of a multicolored alpaca Boucle. She hated working with it but i love the way it looks. The yarn was really cheap at Jo-Ann fabric. Now i know i should not settle but the yarn was perfect and $7.99 for 853 yards. That is enough for the whole project (I'm double stranding it) and i got 30% off because it was the last one of this color and was tangled. I am more that happy to untangle yarn if it means i end up spending about $5 for a whole project. Pushing back my Christmas gifts, i have about half of the back finished.
This week two of my portraits were put in the student art show. This is a cool thing. At the opening people kept pointing at me. My photography is racy at best, so i cause lots of turmoil. Fun. I also wanted slugs with week. I want to do a photo thing with slugs so i have to find big live slugs. I called a biological supply company, they want $7.95 for a three pack of live slugs. I was sure i could find slugs for free. I called the botanical garden in our area hoping that they would have some slugs around. They didn't but one if the grounds keepers has a slug problem at his house. I called this man about catching me some slugs. He's working on it. That was, in the least, a very strange call to make.
There is a really cool southeast Asian mask exhibit in the library that i took pictures of... As for that interview last week, I'm in the program. Now i just have to send them an ass load of paperwork and then they will find me a job. Me teaching children. It's scary. Speaking of children, my cousin's baby's mama just popped out a chillin'. Congrads on that.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Self Portrait Tuesday
Pearls are hot...!!! I had a job interview this morning
Yes i had a job interview this morning with a recruting agency for charter school teachers. How scary is the thought of me teaching the future leaders of the world. Holy crap. I'm sorry we haven't had a chance to talk lately, anatomy has a grip on me. I have done little knitting, but i'm now getting back into the grove of it.
I also finished another sweater for Red Sweaters.Org. I'm not really happy with it but i don't have to be... I also completed my first exciting christmas knitting project. Because i do not have the time to knit all of my relatives sweaters, i am knitting them tiny interpertations of the sweaters i would knit them if i had the time. The first one is the sailor sweater for my grandfather. It is too freakin' cute...
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
Amanda needs...
1. Amanda needs to read Barbara Bush's speech to Wellesley graduates given in 1990.
2. Amanda needs to get help busting skulls, not new friends.
3. Amanda needs some Oil of Olay, Visine, Botox, and a bigger hat.
4. Amanda needs to fight in a pool of jello.
5. Amanda needs to keep her snatch out of it
I will update with a vacation entry real quick like.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Monday, October 10, 2005
Bread Fairy Strikes Urban Neighborhood

Julie has my old job, she works at Simple Kneads, a fantastic bakery in Greensboro. I worked there over the summer and loved it, but when school started I gave my employment up to Julie, who is my good friend. Saturday afternoon I was lounging in the two person chair at cedar St. (this is a huge house where a large portion of my friends live, 9 of them to be exact) when Julie bursts in holding a massive amount of bread. So much bread... Of course from here there is mischief.
Emily is showing

And then a random guy on the street...
Safety Buddha wants a tiny red sweater of his own...
Friday, October 07, 2005
All the cool birds are doing it...
I have started the sleeve to my nemesis sweater. I am very excited as you can tell. Why you ask? Because I don't follow directions and I am knitting them in the round. That's right folks, no seam. I still can not understand why people still knit them flat. Different strokes for different folks. Anyway I am plowing along with my circular needle that is too long... Not to big of a hurdle.
Yesterday I got my first photography assignment back for this year. I am a photo minor and am
Also yesterday I saw this huge mushroom living at least 15 feet up in a tree. I walk past this tree everyday and I never took the time to look up and notice it. I wish I had a ladder...

Today I was in A.C. Moore, for unyarn related purposes, and when I left all these tiny birds were hanging out where they stash the carts. I pulled up next to them and told them hello. They flew away in fear. I expected that. I work tomorrow so I'm sure I will have some great yarn stories. Enjoy your Friday night...!!!!!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Sorbet Carnival Goodness...?

Let's recap, overall it was a pretty good weekend... Friday I was sick as all get up. I woke up at like 5am on friday with the outside of neck hurting. I prayed it wasn't strep. Just two short weeks ago I was sick for the first time... To busy, to soon. So after working my shift at the yarn store (For those of you not yet informed, I work in this fantastic yarn store in Greensboro NC that everyone should visit some time) I passed out for hours and hours. I would have slept the whole night but lo and behold someone called me and woke me up. Fun. Skip to Saturday. Saturday was the Tate Street Festival, which is a local shindig with vendors and live music. If that wasn't enough Saturday was the beginning of National Spinning and Weaving Week (which is this week) as well as the sidewalk sale in the area of the yarn store. G and I started at the yarn store. G is my best friend and has become a fantastic knitter as of late. I felt it was my duty to teach her to spin, but really she wanted to learn. We go to the yarn store a bunch of spinners and knitters are there... As is Elaine who taught me to spin before she moved to Arizona. She had recently broken her leg... Her toe cover is so cute...! I taught G how to use the drop spindle, She picked up on it right away making pretty, even yarn. A natural... I bought her some wool and then we headed off to the Festival. We ran around and saw lots of strange people, especially a woman with a dog she dresses up. (I seriously think people that do that dress up your pet all the time thing need to be in hospitals)
We came home and then kool aid dyed G's new white wool to black cherry and white. I bought some merino at the store to make socks, I kool aid dyed it and it looks like sorbet carnival goodness. Sunday was a nice lazy day. I took a nap in the sun while G complained about a article she had to read for a class about White Supremacy. Last night I finished knitting the front of the nemesis sweater (I have been working on this sweater for 2 years, it is covered in popcorn stitch and is tunic length. It hates me.) All is left is the sleeves and I have short arms. ok...
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

You are Shetland Wool.You are a traditional sort who can sometimes be a
little on the harsh side. Though you look
delicate you are tough as nails and prone to
intricacies. Despite your acerbic ways you are
widely respected and even revered.
What kind of yarn are you?
Sunday, September 18, 2005
In the beginning