I love cake, and birthdays are the best times for special cakes. Keeping this in mind I wanted to make an extra special vegan cake for B for her birthday. Only an ice cream cake would do. "But wait",you say to yourself, "vegan ice cream cake doesn't exist!". It does according to
The Gluttonous VeganI followed her directions as best as I could...

I couldn't get B out of the house long enough to bake the cake part, so I ordered three round vegan cake layers from
Simple Kneads Bakery. They even stored them in the fridge for me!

My prepared cake box and rice ice creams...

Step 1: Bottom layer of cake

Step 2: Spread vanilla layer of ice cream

Step 3: Layer two of cake

Step 4: Strawberry ice cream layer

Step 5: Top layer of cake, freeze, and hide.
Step 6: Put icing on the cake (I did this part with an access card in the front seat of a car in the dark, because Kate and I lost the knife. I wanted the cake to be a surprise, so I made it in the yarn store and then left B's party to spring it on her. I left the icing to the last min, hence the car icing fiasco.)
Step 7: Eat! (There are not any photos of the finished cake because people ate it, but believe you me it was fantastic!)
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